How to Take Psychology Notes

Good note-taking skills are vital if you want to do well in your psychology courses. While your professor may assign various required and supplementary readings, you should assume that at least half of all exam questions will be pulled directly from content covered in class lectures and discussions.

Psychology notes are more than just reminders of what happened in class—they are one of your best study resources! If your instructor takes the time to talk about it in class, you should assume it will appear on an exam.

At a Glance

If you want to take great psychology notes, go to class prepared, bring the right tools, follow your instructor's directions, write down key points, keep your notes in order, ask questions, write legibly, and use a highlighter. Always review your notes after class, and don't be afraid to personalize them to make them more useful for you!


Be Well-Prepared for Class

Student taking psychology notes Images

To get the most out of class discussions and lectures, it is absolutely essential to go to class prepared.

Read all of the assigned materials before your class session. Note essential concepts from the chapters and write down any questions about the readings.

In many cases, you will be able to answer these questions yourself after the lecture, but you can also ask your instructor for further clarification if you are still confused by particular concepts.


Bring the Tools and Supplies You Need

Part of being prepared to take notes involves assembling the tools you need before you arrive in class each day. Basic supplies such as pens, pencils, and paper are essential.

Decide how you want to organize your notes. Use a basic three-ring binder with loose-leaf paper, or get a separate notebook for each of your classes.

Handwritten vs. Digital Notes

Some students prefer to take notes using a laptop or tablet, while others prefer to record lectures and transcribe their notes after class. While technology can be a valuable tool, be wary of data loss.

Back up your data daily so you always have a saved record of all your psychology notes, or use Google Docs to ensure your notes are always accessible.

Some research suggests that taking notes by hand can help you learn the material more effectively. The movements associated with handwriting are linked with increased memorization of new words.

For those who prefer tech tools, there's good news! The research also showed that handwriting with a digital pen and tablet helped improve memorization more than just typing on a keyboard.

If you decide to record a lecture, remember to always get permission from your instructor first.


Follow the Instructor's Directions

Some instructors make taking notes in class part of your assigned work for the course. Sometimes, your class instructor may require a specific format for your psychology notes.

You might be asked to turn in your notes periodically. If your instructor does require a specific format, be sure to follow their guidelines.


Always Write Down Key Points

When taking psychology notes, it is important to remember that you do not need to write down every single thing that the instructor says. Instead, focus on making a record of the main points. You should also write down key terms and any questions or concepts that you are still struggling with.

Sometimes it can be difficult to determine if something is important, so if you are in doubt, write it down. As you become more experienced at taking psychology notes, it will be easier to determine what information is "noteworthy."

If your professor writes something down on the board or shows it on an overhead projector, you should definitely write it down.


Keep Your Notes in Sequential Order

As you begin to collect more psychology notes, it is vital to make sure that you keep your notes in order. Studying your notes in the order they were given will make it easier to connect related concepts.

Sometimes, the exam may even follow the same basic order as your class notes. Perhaps the easiest way to keep your notes in order is to write down the date of every course lecture at the top of your notes.


Ask Questions

Sometimes, students fail to ask questions during class because they fear they will look stupid. Don't be nervous about asking questions! There's nothing wrong with being confused or uncertain about different concepts.

Many of your classmates probably have the same questions but are unsure about asking them. Posing questions about the class lecture is also a great way to show your instructor that you are actively engaged in the discussion. It might even help your final grade since many courses include a participation element.


Try to Take Neat, Legible, and Accurate Notes

Even if you have sloppy handwriting, invest a little extra effort to ensure your notes are legible. Leave plenty of space in your notes so the writing is not cramped.

Try to break up the material into a basic outline, highlighting the main points and including supplementary notes to help deepen your understanding of the concepts you are learning about.

Most importantly, strive for complete accuracy in your notes. If the information in your notes is inaccurate, your understanding of the concepts will also be faulty.


Use a Highlighter

After you have compiled your psychology notes, use a highlighter marker or pen to emphasize only the most important points. This might include main ideas, definitions, or anything that your instructor placed special emphasis on during the lecture.


Review Your Notes After Every Class

Don't wait until the night before the big exam to break out your notes and start studying. Instead, spend five to 10 minutes after every class reviewing your notes.

Good study habits are one of the keys to success in any class. This will help cement the information in your memory and ensure that you are well-prepared for the following class lecture.


Don't Be Afraid to Personalize Your Note-Taking Habits

Each student is unique, which is why it is so important to find the note-taking style that works best for your unique needs. As you gain more experience taking psychology notes, focus on discovering the strategies that help you learn effectively.

What This Means For You

Learning how to take great psychology notes is an essential skill that all students should learn. While it can be time-consuming, your notes are one of your greatest study tools. Writing your notes is an excellent way to help you learn the material and commit it to memory, and the notes you produce also allow you to look back and study the information you have learned.

3 Sources
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Jiang Y, Clarke-Midura J, Keller B, Baker RS, Paquette L, Ocumpaugh J. Note-taking and science inquiry in an open-ended learning environmentContemp Educ Psychol. 2018;55:12-29. doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2018.08.004

  2. Ihara AS, Nakajima K, Kake A, Ishimaru K, Osugi K, Naruse Y. Advantage of handwriting over typing on learning words: Evidence from an N400 event-related potential indexFront Hum Neurosci. 2021;15:679191. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2021.679191

  3. Jansen RS, Lakens D, Ijsselsteijn WA. An integrative review of the cognitive costs and benefits of note-taking. Educational Research Review. 2017;22:223-233. doi:10.1016/j.edurev.2017.10.001

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd
Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."