Perhaps you're looking to break into healthcare or supplement your psychology studies with information beyond the curriculum. These resources will acquaint students with how to read and comprehend journal articles, write and format papers using APA style, and learn about prominent figures and theories of psychology.

You'll also find insights that will help guide a career in healthcare. Learn which psychology career is right for you or see how you can apply your psychology studies to other fields of work.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do you read a psychology study?

    Learning how to read this type of writing is mostly a matter of experience, but a few simple tactics can make this process much easier.

    1. Understand the Structure of a Journal Article.
    2. Skim Through the Article.
    3. Take Notes on Each Section and Ask Questions.
    4. Identify Key Information.
    5. Note the Sources Cited.
  • What are reliable sources for psychology?

    Encyclopedias, online reference sites, lecture notes, supplementary course readings, or your own class textbooks are all reliable sources of information. If you're taking your search online, databases such as PsycINFO, PsycNET, and EBSCOhost are helpful for finding journal articles on your topic.

  • What can I do with a psychology degree?

    Having a good understanding of the human mind and behavior can help you excel in a wide variety of career paths, not just those pertaining to psychology. Some include advertising or marketing, social work, career counseling, and writing.

Key Terms

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