Personal Construct Theory Overview

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Personal construct theory suggests that people develop personal constructs, or mental frameworks, about how the world works. People then use these constructs to make sense of their observations and experiences.

If you've ever wondered why two people can see the same situation so differently, welcome to the world of personal construct. We all have unique histories, lived experiences, and knowledge that shape how we interpret the world around us. According to psychologist George Kelly, it is our individualized cognitive frameworks that shape who we are, how we perceive the world, and how we relate to one another.

Kelly's personal construct theory was the first example of an approach that is today referred to as constructivism.

At a Glance

How we interpret the world around us is heavily influenced by our personal constructs, or the mental frameworks that allow us to categorize the people, objects, and events in our lives. These construct are deeply personal and unique to each individual, since they form though our individual life experiences. Our constructs not only make up our unique personalities; they also play a role in our behavior, decisions, beliefs, and interpersonal relationships.

What Is Personal Construct Theory?

We all live in the same world, but everyone experiences the world differently. Personal construct theory suggests that these differing experiences can be explained by the unique mental frameworks each person uses to interpret information.

A mental framework is a set of cognitive categories that we use to make sense of the events, objects, and people we encounter everyday. Past experience might lead us to interpret certain situations as threatening, even though someone else might have a completely different interpretation based on their own individual experiences.

For example, imagine you and your friend going for a walk in the park and you spot a large brown dog. You immediately see a graceful and adorable animal you would like to pet. Your friend, on the other hand, sees a threatening animal that she wants to avoid. How can two people have such a different interpretation of the same event?

Constructs and Personality

According to psychologist George Kelly, our personalities are made up of the various mental constructs through which we view reality.

Kelly believed that we are all essentially scientists. Like scientists, we want to understand the world around us, predict what will happen next, and create theories to explain events. It is our personal constructs, he believed, that allow us to do this.

We make our own theories about the situations we encounter in life. We come up with ideas about what we think will happen, test our ideas, and then adjust our frameworks based on what we have learned.

How Personal Construct Theory Works

Kelly believed that we start by first developing a set of personal constructs, which are essentially mental representations that we use to interpret events. These constructs are based on our experiences and observations.

During the early 1950s, the behavioral and psychoanalytic perspectives were still quite dominant in psychology. Kelly proposed his personal construct theory as an alternative view that departed from these two prominent schools of thought.

Rather than viewing human beings as passive subjects who were at the whims of the associations, reinforcements, and punishments they encountered in their environments (behaviorism) or their unconscious wishes and childhood experiences (psychoanalysis), Kelly believed that people take an active role in how they collect and interpret knowledge.

“Behavior is not the answer to the psychologist’s question; it is the question,” he suggested.

As we live our lives, we perform "experiments" that put our beliefs, perceptions, and interpretations to the test. If our experiments work, they strengthen our current beliefs. When they don't, we are then able to change our views.

Why Personal Constructs Are Important

What makes these constructs so important? It's because we experience the world through the "lens" of our constructs. These constructs are used to predict and anticipate events, which in turn determine our behaviors, feelings, and thoughts.

Kelly also believed that all events that happen are open to multiple interpretations, which he referred to as constructive alternativism.

When trying to make sense of an event or situation, we can also choose which construct we want to use. This sometimes happens as an event unfolds, but we can also reflect on our experiences and then view them in different ways.

For example, when something stressful happens, you might first see it as a trial or obstacle. As time passes, you may look back and see it in a different light, perhaps interpreting it as a learning experience that helps make you more resilient.

How We Use Personal Constructs

Kelly believed that the process of using constructs works in much the same way that a scientist utilizes a theory. First, we begin by hypothesizing that a particular construct will apply to a particular event.

We then test this hypothesis by applying the construct and predicting the outcome. If our prediction is correct, then we know that the construct is useful in this situation and we retain it for future use.

But what happens if our predictions don't come true? We might reconsider how and when we apply the construct, we might alter the construct, or we might decide to abandon the construct altogether.

Recurrences play an important role in personal construct theory. Constructs emerge because they reflect things that frequently recur in our experience. Kelly also believed that constructs tend to be organized in a hierarchical fashion. For example, more basic constructs might lie and the base of the hierarchy, while more complex and abstract constructs lie can be found at higher levels.

Kelly also believed that constructs are bipolar; essentially, each construct consists of a pair of two opposing sides. Some examples include "active versus passive," "stable versus changing," and "friendly versus unfriendly."

The side that a person applies to an event is known as the emergent pole. The side that is not being actively applied is the implicit pole.

It is essential to remember the emphasis on individuality in personal construct theory. Constructs are inherently personal because they are based on each person's life experiences. We are different from one another because of our unique systems of constructs.

Personal Constructs and Mental Health

Personal construct theory also has important mental health applications. When looking at mental health problems, it can be helpful to consider how a person's constructs might influence and distort their perceptions.

Negative thinking is often related to such constructs, which is why certain types of therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), focus on helping people identify these negative perceptions and replace them with more realistic ones.

Personal construct therapy (PCT) is a type of therapy that focuses on understanding and restructuring personal constructs to address psychological problems.

Our personal constructs can influence mental well-being in a variety of ways, such as shaping our self-concept, influencing personal identity, and affecting how we cope with stressful situations.

In therapy, mental health professionals work to better understand a person's constructs to see where they are coming from. Culturally sensitive therapists, for example, consider how a person's cultural background can influence their perceptions and experiences of the world.

By understanding each client's unique personal constructs, therapists can tailor their approach, treatments, and interactions to ensure they fully address each individual's unique needs.

3 Sources
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Winter DA, Reed N, eds. The Wiley Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology. 1st ed. Wiley; 2015. doi:10.1002/9781118508275

  2. Winter DA. Personal construct psychology. In: Zeigler-Hill V, Shackelford TK, eds. Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer International Publishing; 2017:1-6. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_1147-1

  3. Paz C, Aguilera M, Salla M, et al. Personal construct therapy vs cognitive behavioral therapy in the treatment of depression in women with fibromyalgia: Study protocol for a multicenter randomized controlled trialNeuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2020;16:301-311. doi:10.2147/NDT.S235161

Additional Reading
  • Carver CS, Scheier MF. Perspectives on Personality. Boston: Allyn & Bacon; 2000.

  • Kelly GA. A Theory of Personality: The Psychology of Personal Constructs. New York: W.W. Norton & Company; 1963.

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd
Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."